Moby’s on the Map!
3225 Rt. 6, Wellfleet, MA 02667

The Story of Moby Dick’s
One of the Best Family Restaurants on Cape Cod
(not by Herman Melville)
While on Easter vacation in 1982, the Barry family noticed a “For Sale” sign at “Al’s Hamburgers.” Years before, this little restaurant was the first place where the Barry family had stopped while on their first visit to Wellfleet. With three college-aged boys and a teenage girl (all in need of summer jobs), the idea to enter the restaurant business seemed a natural
Time passes and three of the four Barry siblings went on to explore other careers. Todd, the oldest, took a real liking to the restaurant and continued at the helm of Moby Dick’s. Todd also took a liking to Mignon, who just happened one day in 1992 to come through the door of Moby Dick’s searching for a clambake. She got her clambake as well as a husband and a restaurant too!
Now on any given day, you can see Todd and Mignon roaming the restaurant, continuing the Moby Dick’s tradition of serving fresh local seafood in a comfortable and fun Cape Cod atmosphere. It is our top priority to make your visit with us a memorable dining experience.
—The Barry Family
We aim to exceed your expectations. Please let us know how we’re doing or contact us with any questions before your visit. Moby Dick’s is a Barry Family Restaurant located at 3225 State Highway Route 6, Wellfleet, MA.
Phone: 508-349-9795
Mail: P.O. Box 792, Wellfleet, MA 02667
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